Tuesday 4 September 2012

Liberia kicks off 'Operation Crush Nigeria'

In the bid to ensure that Liberia defeats Nigeria on September 8 in Moronvia, the management of the Liberia Football Association has begun a plan it calls 'operation Crush Nigeria', we can authoritatively report.
According to local sources in the West African country, the plan aims to help the country reenact the feat it did in 2001 when the Lone Stars shocked the Super Eagles with a 2-1 defeat.
Activities involved in the plan include emblazoned T-shirts for fans, magazine publication showing profile of Liberian players and officials, free transportation for fans, a raffle draw with interesting prizes up for grabs and other incentives for the players themselves.
Members of the Sports Writers Association of Liberia (SWAL) have also been given 1,500 tickets to enable them come en masse for the game which the Liberians want to win.
Meanwhile, Super Eagles coach, Stephen Keshi, has said he respects the Liberian national team; Lone Star, for their robust play and the massive support they usually get when they play at home, but he has one weapon to unleash on the Liberians; Victor Moses.
And Keshi made it known to Moses that he has been monitoring every of his comments especially the one regarding Nigeria’s rise to win next year’s Cup of Nations in South Africa and a must qualification for the Brazil 2014 World Cup.
“I read what you said about us winning next year’s Nations Cup and for you to also lead our attack to do well at the World Cup in Brazil. You must start proving that in Monrovia, when we tackle Liberia by showing them that you are Africa’s best,” Keshi said at Monday’s evening training.
The team' media officer, Ben Alaiya reports that Moses in reply assured that he would prove why one of the world’s richest clubs, Chelsea invested so much money on him.
“I know coach and I will show my stuff not only against Liberia but any time I’m invited to play for my dear country”. Keshi also used the training occasion to tell his wards that Liberia is not as weak as portrayed by the media but a very potent side that can take the best side in the world to the cleaners.
“A country that has produced the likes of George Weah, who became world best footballer cannot be said to be weak in talent, but we must show that we are stronger. I expect a tough, bruising game against Liberia and I trust that all of us will rise to the occasion”, Keshi told the players.
Expectedly, 14 home-based stars and 10 foreign-based players trained Tuesday morning at the training pitch of the National stadium in Abuja, led by Skipper of the side, Joseph Yobo.
The rains continue to pour in the nation’s capital but Coach Keshi said it would not hinder the team’s training as that could turn out to be the match condition when the team files out against Liberia on Saturday.
“Come rain or shine we will train and try to return the country to the top of African football after we missed the last edition of the Nations Cup”, he declared.
The Eagles are expected to depart for Liberia on Friday around 6am aboard a chartered flight, land in Liberia about two hours later and train later in the day for the match slated for the next day.

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