Monday 12 November 2012

Ikhana blames CAF for failure

Coach Kadiri Ikhana

Super Falcons coach Kadiri Ikhana has blamed the Confederation of African Football (CAF) for the team’s ouster at the just concluded African Women Championship (AWC).
An impeccable source quotes the former Enyimba tactician as saying that CAF worked against Nigeria at the female football championship held in Equatorial Guinea and won by the hosts on Sunday.
Meanwhile, the NFF is set to fire Ikhana. According to top officials of the national football body, the coach’s ineptitude has caused the country so much shame.
Speaking after the team lost out on Sunday, NFF technical subcommittee member, Paul Bassey announced that the committee wants nothing to do with the coach and in fact considered him already sacked.
“Technically, he (Ikhana) has no job. I am apologizing to Nigerians on behalf of the technical subcommittee for putting them through this,” Bassey told a radio programme broadcast on Monday.
Further reports indicated on Monday that Ikhana will be forced to resign by the NFF, but this stand was negated by Bassey who argued that Ikhana had that opportunity after the defeat to South Africa but chose not to take it and thus, stands removed from his position until it is officially confirmed.
Bassey argued that the NFF’s only blame was not replacing Ikhana before the AWC when it was discovered it made a mistake appointing him.
NFF board member, Effiong Johnson also confirmed that Ikhana would get nothing but a push to the exit. Johnson, who was enraged at the team’s performance, noted that the technical subcommittee should start looking for a new coach immediately.

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