Thursday 15 November 2012

National beauty pageant added to 18th Sports Festival

Members of the Marketing subcommittee of the LOC for the Eko 2012 National Sports Festival and creator of the beauty pageant initiative, Tunde Lawrenson addressing the media at the conference on Thursday. 

Organisers of the 18th National Sports Festival Eko 2012 have added a national beauty pageant to the list of activities scheduled for the Games.
According to chairman of the Marketing Subcommittee of the Local Organising Committee (LOC), Chief Molade Okoya-Thomas, the idea is to give a new and interesting aspect to the event. 
Managing Director, Xmedia, Tunde Lawrenson, who conceived the idea said the exercise is distinct because it aims not to portray beauty but also physical fitness. To be eligible to participate, intersted individuals must be between 18-25 years of age, while the form can be purchased at N3000 at all Zenith Bank branches across the country.
“We want to do something unique that will give every participant the ability to be socially responsible even after the contest,” Lawrenson said.
The screening for the pageant will hold in Lagos from November 27 to 29.

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